Mekong Multiply exists to glorify Jesus by multiplying disciples and churches among unreached people groups in Southeast Asia and beyond.
Mekong Multiply’s primary approach is to recruit, train, mobilize, and coach national missionaries to reach the remaining unreached people groups in their own borders. Our goal is to set up national missionary sending bases in each Southeast Asian country with significant numbers of unreached people groups. We also seek to partner with experienced field workers who exhibit humility, fluency in local languages and culture, and congruency of vision.
Recruiting, training, mobilizing and coaching national missionaries is a key strategy of Mekong Multiply. National missionaries are different from national evangelists because they are mobilized cross-culturally (from one people group or tribe to another) within the same country, but are not just evangelizing their own people. National missionaries engage an unreached people group with the purpose of making disciples in that group who can reproduce and continue the work of evangelism and church planting without becoming dependent upon the national missionary’s presence or other outside resources. Consequently, the work of national missionaries is not permanent, but it is to plant an indigenous and self-propagating church in their target group just like an expatriate missionary would seek to do.
Eliot Branch is the founder and Executive Director of Mekong Multiply. After serving in Southeast Asia for 15 years, Eliot moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where he launched Mekong Multiply and published his book, The Faith Road, A True Story of Peril and Mission in Southeast Asia. Click here to learn more about Eliot Branch.
2 Peter 3:9b
Matthew 24:14
Connecting these two verses shows us that God’s eyes are on the unreached, and if our eyes are on him, then our eyes will also be drawn to the unreached. We, too, desire that none perish but that all hear the good news and have an opportunity to repent and be saved.
Mekong Multiply’s region of focus is on the eleven nations that lie south of China and east of India. This part of the map is often overlooked but makes up one of the spiritually darkest parts of the world. The region is dominated by three of the world’s major religious blocs—Buddhism, Animism, and Islam—with Indonesia being the most populous Muslim nation on earth. Southeast Asia also has two of the world’s five remaining communist countries in Laos and Vietnam. The unreached people of these nations divide into more than 700 tribes with a population totaling over 330 million, exceeding that of the entire United States.
Mekong Multiply helped launch this effort to mobilize Lao national missionaries to reach the remaining unengaged unreached people groups in Laos. National missionaries are being equipped as evangelists and church planters and sent out from as many as five different clandestine sending bases in this restricted access nation. Despite the prospect of persecution and arrest, the gospel has penetrated hundreds of unreached villages and tribes as a result of this effort.
Mekong Multiply is launching this effort to mobilize Indonesian national missionaries to reach the remaining unreached people groups on the island of Sumatra with the good news of Jesus, to plant reproducible churches, and to multiply disciples, igniting movements to Christ.
Mekong Multiply is working with experienced partners in Myanmar to recruit, train and send out national missionaries to the unreached people groups of this beautiful country. Each of these workers are trained in a tentmaking skill to become self-sufficient over the first three years of deployment while they engage their unreached communities with the fruitful practices of multiplication movements and indigenous church planting.